Podcast Ep 9: Movie Spectacular

Mash-Up Movie Spectacular
It’s Oscars time! There’s lots of talk this year of how un-mashy the Oscars are and as movie lovers we wanted to celebrate our favorite Mash-Up movies of all time. The award for Best Portrayal of a Nerdy Latino goes to….
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Favorite Mash-Up Movies EVER:
La Bamba (1987)
We dare you not to cry. And dance.
Joy Luck Club (1993)
Do not pour soy sauce on your food.
Best Portrayal of a Nerdy Latino:
Stand and Deliver (1988)
What IS calc-oo-lus?
Realest Portrayal of an Immigrant Dad:
Harold and Kumar (2004)
“Daddy isn’t coming on anything!”
Best Scene Introducing Your Meat-Loving Melting Pot Family to Your Vegetarian Boyfriend:
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)
Lamb is vegetarian, right?
Best Barbershop Monologue! Best Mash-Up Monologue! Best Description of Mash-Up America and being an immigrant! Best defense of your name! Best Reason Why Queens is the true United Nations! Best Depiction of African Royalty!
Coming to America (1988)
Eddie. Is. Everything.
Lifetime Achievement:
Lou Diamond Phillips- You win all of the awards in our heart.
Got nominations? Share them with us on Facebook or Twitter!
We’re in your ears, yo. Subscribe!
This podcast is produced by American Public Media and Southern California Public Radio, KPCC. It is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. To find out more about how the NEA grants impact individuals and communities, visit www.arts.gov.