Mash-Up Round-Up: Chris Rock Destroys the Internet

“A sigh isn’t just a sigh. We inhale the world and breathe out meaning. While we can. While we can.” ― Salman Rushdie, The Moor’s Last Sigh
The week of December 6, 2014, was sadness. We wish for you peace and breath.
Mash-Ups In The News:
Chris Rock Destroys the Internet & Also Here
We love Chris Rock. He’s brilliant and makes us pee our pants laughing. This week he talked about making movies, the absurd reality of being a rich black man, and wishing he could be a reporter for 60 Minutes. He’d only interview white people!
via Vulture and The Hollywood Reporter
Teaching Essay Writing in Pyongyang
Well, if you were always told that all ideas come from the Great Leader, it’d probably be pretty hard for you to come up with an essay, too.
via Slate
The NFL Finally Did Something Right
When 5 members of the St. Louis Rams walked onto the field last weekend with their hands up in solidarity with Ferguson protestors, they were threatened by the police. The NFL won’t apologize for them or discipline them.
via Washington Post
Parents Write Birth Announcement to Support Transgender Son
An Australian couple rewrote their child’s birth announcement after their kid came out as trans. These are good parents.
via People
Hacked Documents Show Depth of Hollywood’s Race and Gender Gap
Only 1 of 17 of the highest paid employees at Sony is a woman. This leadership team is 88% white. Not surprising, but still disheartening.
via Fusion
Diana Vreeland’s Grandson Went to Tibet and Became Monk
Say you are the grandson of an New York society doyenne and you have this fabulous life as a photographer training under Avedon…what do you do next? Become a monk, obvi.
via Daily Beast
Not sure how we feel about this tumblr that basically finds people saying racist crap on the internet, posts it and then reports it to their bosses. It’s kind of witch hunt-y, in a way that creeps us out.
via Washington Post
Mia Love: Black, Mormon, Immigrant, and Elected to Office
Man is this a powerhouse of defying stereotypes. You guys, she’s the first black, Republican woman to be elected EVER.
via New Yorker
Photojournal: A Queer Festival in Tamil Nadu to Blow Your Mind
This is just beautiful. The end.
via The Morning News
On Eric Garner:
Declaration of Interdependence
via Medium
via NY Times
Former NYPD Captain on Police Brutality: We Must Stop
via NY Times
via Blue Jean Gourmet