Mash-Up Round-Up: Eating Breakfast is Social Justice

The week of July 1 was this badass squad of octogenarian lady ballers; learning how Azns are fixing Wikipedia; and a great reminder that anti-vaxxers are dumb.
Oh hey! Amy + Rebecca were featured in Los Angeles Magazine! God bless America.
Mash-Ups In The News:
All Hail The GOAT Serena Williams
The Greatest Athlete Of All Time (sorry, John McEnroe) Serena Williams and Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian are redefining happily ever after in this mashy love story. We ship this.
via Vanity Fair
How The Black Panthers Made Breakfast A Social Justice Issue
At Mash-Up HQ, what fills our bellies also fills our souls. Check out this brief history on the Free Breakfast Program (which, BTW, was entirely fueled by women), and how it nourished an entire community of beneficiaries of the Black Power Movement.
via Extra Crispy
The Indoctrination Of A Young Girl
Read this woman’s journey from being born into Islam to adopting Christianity — and the rifts that formed in her own identity.
via Los Angeles Times
Filling The Gap: A Mexican Town Filled With American Dental Patients
With dental insurance out of reach for many Americans, dental tourism has skyrocketed. In Los Algodones, Mexico, near the border of Arizona, 600 Mexican dentists treat a flood of American patients crossing the border to seek dental care. The irony: Many of the patients are Trump voters who actively support building a wall.
via Buzzfeed
Let’s Call It Assimilation Food
Bolognese made with niter kibbeh? Going halfsies on Mickey D burgers laid over rice? This piece nails how the act of cooking comfort food is an attempt to make a home between two worlds.
via Taste
Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses Yearning To Send Cash
While Western Union aims to expand their reach across the globe, refugees continue to be key customers to their ever-growing base. Is it exploitative? (If anyone’s looking for a Resistance Read this summer, be sure to dive into Naomi’s Klein’s The Shock Doctrine before picking up her latest release.)
via Bloomberg
Transgender Bias And The Belief In A Biological Basis For Gender
Ummm, guys! Gals! Folks! Listen. Up. Instilling an “essentialist” view of gender based on biological boundaries can “support a more prejudicial attitude towards people who identify with a gender other than the one assigned at birth.” Take notes and support your trans friends and loved ones.
via NPR
How Hard Is It To Get An Abortion In Every Single State?
Still very, very, very (do we need to say “very” again?), VERY hard.Here’s another add to your summer must-watch list.
via Refinery29
America’s Miniature Melting Pots
A postcard tour through the communities that truly define and make America great. Hello Little India of Milbourne, Pennsylvania!
via Topic
Inspo of the Week:
Immigrants: We Get The Job Done
Honestly a collaboration between Riz Ahmed and Lin-Manuel Miranda is the best thing that’s happened all week so let’s just take a moment to celebrate that.
via New York Times