Mash-Up Round-Up: Jane Fonda + 2020 Census

The week of December 21, 2019 was finding an ax to grind; remembering the weirdest, thirstiest coffee ad ever; and oh yeah, we impeached that motherfucker.
This App Matches Marginalized Communities To Therapists Who Share Their Background
We love therapy, and we love our therapists. But it’s hard enough finding (and affording) any therapist, let alone one who gets YOU and all your mashiness. Enter, Ayana. A tele-therapy app that matches users to licensed mental health counselors based on their culture, race, and experiences.
via Fast Company
Finland Is Winning The War On Fake News
Can your kid recognize a deep fake? Can you? With bots, false story factories, and our increased gullibility, fake news is kicking our butts in America. Here’s what we can learn from Finland.
via CNN
How Long Is The Sermon? Study Ranks Christian Churches
Catholic sermons? 14 minutes. Black Protestant churches? Almost an hour. The perfect sermon length? “As long as you can hold their attention.”
via AP News
There Are No Children Here. Just Lots Of Life-Size Dolls.
The last two children of Nagoro, Japan graduated from school. The adults left behind found a way to bring the nigiyaka back to their town: hundreds of giant handmade dolls.
via NY Times
Names That Are Unfamiliar To You Aren’t “Hard,” They’re “Unpracticed”
Never apologize for your name. Our names are tributes to our mash-up origins and our parent’s boundless love. Embrace trying, practicing, and failing, so that no name goes unsaid.
via Teen Vogue
A Graphic Guide To The 2020 US Census
2020 means a 2020 census for the decade. Here’s a comic guide to what this census means for you, us, and Mash-Up America.
via Journalist Resource
“Take death for a walk in your minds, folks. Either you’ll be glad you did or, keeling over suddenly, you won’t be out anything.”
via New Yorker
The Miseducation Of The American Boy
From World Wars to high school locker rooms, here’s how toxic masculinity became inextricably tied to American boyhood.
via The Atlantic
Federal Study Confirms Racial Bias Of Many Facial-Recognition Systems
Facial-recognition systems misidentified people of color more often than white people. Reminder that our technologies do not free us of our biases. They embody, amplify, and enact them.
via Washington Post
This 1941 magazine classic rings true today. Look around the room. The frustrated intellectual, the scared speculator, the spoiled son. Who would go Nazi?
via Harper’s Magazine
Jane Fonda’s Fire Drill Fridays: Getting Arrested For All Of Us
Jane Fonda is turning 82 years old and she is still out there doing her thing, drawing attention to the world’s most dire issues. We stan.
via Washington Post