Mash-Up Round-Up: Mooncakes + Days of Awe

The week of September 26, 2020 was hard af. We took solace in the world’s warmest Tiny Desk concert; our thicc thighs; Judith Butler skewering a reporter; Chelsea Clinton striving for a 10/10 on Roomrater; laughing at white emergencies; and leaning into our resilience, which we can learn about from everyone, including sled dogs. We will get through this.
As we wrap up our Days of Awe, we’re using this beautiful music to guide our way forward and remembering the Rabbi’s wisdom: “It is not your responsibility to finish the work of perfecting the world, but you are not free to desist from it either.”
Breonna Taylor Deserved Justice
This week, we all learned that none of the police officers who shot and killed Breonna Taylor would be charged with her death. Only one would be charged, but for endangering her neighbors with reckless gunfire.
“It’s not that the failure to indict a police officer for killing Ms. Taylor was unpredictable. It’s that the emotional and political exhaustion surrounding the news was predictable…This is what forces Black people to push for this nation to be better stewards of its ideal, while recalibrating our expectations time and time again.”
via NY Times
How COVID-19 Has Impacted The Search For Separated Families
The Trump administration started separating families with no plan to track or even reunite them. After three years, we’re still dealing with the fallout while COVID-19 renders searches even more complicated and overwhelming.
via KQED
The Election That Could Break America
If the vote is close, Trump could easily use chaos, uncertainty, and his own stacked hand to subvert the results in his favor. He’s already begun. For months. Who will stop him? How do we help stop him? The threat is here, it’s real, and we need to be prepared.
via The Atlantic
World’s Richest 1% Cause Double CO2 Emissions Of Poorest 50%
“The global carbon budget has been squandered to expand the consumption of the already rich, rather than to improve humanity…This is a stark illustration of the deep injustice at the heart of the climate crisis.”
via The Guardian
Finnish Dogs Are Sniffing Out Coronavirus
Dogs. In. Finland. Are. Sniffing. Out. Coronavirus. In a trial at Helsinki’s airport, dogs have been trained with 94% accuracy to detect the virus on passengers by scent. We are getting extreme World War Z vibes.
via NY Times
Why Soccer, aka Football, aka The World’s Game, Is A White Game In The U.S.
In the rest of the world, soccer is the most accessible and racially diverse team sport in the world. So why doesn’t soccer in America look like America? Let’s take a look at the American youth sports industry.
via Yahoo
Landmark Commission Begins Tackling ‘Unconfronted Truth’ Of Racially Motivated Lynchings In Maryland
The Maryland Lynching Truth and Reconciliation Commission will an intensive, three-year study of the 42 known racial terror lynchings, whose perpetrators were rarely held accountable.
“It’s about telling the whole story…We are trying to bridge the narrative of racial terror in the past with racial terror of today.”
via Washington Post
Ordering Our Mooncakes Online This Year
Shipped by parents or ordered online, mooncakes will be delivered, shared, and eaten under the full moon on October 1st. Check out four places to buy your own mooncakes online, but order ASAP before they sell out!
via Washington Post