Mash-Up Round-Up: MSG is Good for You!

The week of Jan. 9, 2016 was: the pair of defense lawyers making the Internet swoon; Conan, Kevin Hart and Ice Cube giving tips to a student driver; a $100 golden donut offered in, where else, Williamsburg; and an interview with a toddler. Plus, Where White People Meet: hmmm.
Mash-Ups in the News:
Is The Oregon Standoff Evidence of a Racial Double Standard?
This thoughtful piece on the confrontation between armed militiamen and the feds suggests we are asking the wrong question. It shouldn’t be, “Why isn’t law enforcement using force in Oregon?” It ought to be, “How do we make sure more responses are non-violent?”
via Slate
How a Vietnamese Refugee is Rethinking Food Delivery in America
Tri Tran is the founder of Munchery, a prepared food delivery company valued at $300 million, who escaped from Vietnam with his grandmother and brother by boat as a kid. He is impacted every day by his experience as a refugee, including his ability to think creatively in tough situations and, of course, his desire to succeed to justify his parents’ enormous sacrifices.
via Bloomberg
British vs. American Children’s Literature: Who Tells It Better?
The Brits are all Pagan fantasy and the Americans are all Christian morality and realism.
via The Atlantic
What The K-Beauty Regimen Has to Do With Radical Feminist Self-Care
We never get tired of talking about Korean beauty products. We even have some great tips for you! And we like this idea that the intentionality of the process of layering many products is a feminist act.
via Slate
Tyler Perry: The Brand Keeping Oprah in Business
ICYM this article from last month: “For people to say that [my characters] are stereotypes of black people, that’s bullshit — it’s offensive. These are real versions of us. And every one of us has the right to tell our own story.” Tyler Perry fights back against Spike Lee’s accusations of “coonery.”
via Vulture
How MSG Got a Bad Rap: Flawed Science and Xenophobia
Flawed science and xenophobia is a bad combo. MSG is delicious and has no proven negative side effects except deliciousness.
via FiveThirtyEight
“Translated From Pakistanian”: Yes, That Was an Actual Editor’s Note From DC Comics
Um, did you mean Urdu? How hard is it to google “language of Pakistan”? That being said, we’re pumped for Ms. Marvel.
via The Guardian
9 Things About Spicy Food That Just Aren’t True
No, some ethnicities don’t have a higher tolerance for spicy food and no, spicy food doesn’t cause ulcers. Something true? Men who like spicy food have more testosterone.
via Yahoo
It Was a Good Year For Mixed-Race Couples on TV
Dev and Rachel on Master of None were just one of the many gorgeous Mash-Up couples on TV in 2015. Love love love!
via Fusion
Zombie Genre Gets the Tamil Treatment in Kollywood
We cannot wait for Miruthan to come out. A Bollywood-style Zombie movie set to music (but in Tamil, not Hindi)? How much more drama could there be?
via i09
The Country Named “Happiest in the World”
Colombia is the happiest country in the world. We agree that the music, food, landscape and very good-looking people would make us happy, too!
via Huffington Post