Apples and Honey, Mash-Up Style

Happy New Year! Here’s to a year filled with sweetness and light. And feijoada and sticky rice sausage stuffing, because one can only eat so much apples and honey. We mean, it’s been more than a millennia. For those of you who are looking for fresh, mashy ways to take in your traditional sweets, we present our Mash-Up Twist on Apples & Honey. L’Shana Tova!
Germans are many things — efficient! Good at languages! The best art historians in the world! — but being cute is not in their wheelhouse. Except when it comes to apple cake. Eat, and squeal. Via Smitten Kitchen, of whom we are besmotten.

Holidays mean family, and family means drinking. Just us? Never mind. Via GQ.

Celebrating Rosh Hashanah with a dish of Malayasian Spicy Honey Chicken, redolent of sambal and ketchup, sounds just about right. Via Rasa Malayasia

Cornbread With Apples and Onions
It’s no secret we’re a fan of the cornbread in these parts. You may not know that we’re also obsessive catalogers of the food in the Little House on the Prairie series, one of the star dishes of which is Almanzo Wilder’s favorite snack, apples & onions. [Editor’s note: This may just be more of an Amy thing. But she’s not alone!] Here is a beautiful recipe that mashes all three. Via Bon Appetit

This custardy delight from the apple family is native to the Andes and grown around the world, including our very own Southern California. Try it in a smoothie, in a salsa, or raw, scooped right out from the skin. You may never look at Honeycrisps the same way again.