Mash-Up Round-Up: A Touch of Light

The week of June 13, 2020 was one long exhale. At Mash-Up HQ, we’re asking ourselves, what’s next? And how do we show up for what’s next? So we’re working hard on projects that are trying to answer those very questions.
First up: The Next Move, a new podcast hosted by incredible organizer George Goehl of the progressive People’s Action network, where he’s talking to thinkers and leaders about how we push progress forward as our very axis seems to shift. Our opening conversation is with Maurice Mitchell, national director of the Working Families Party and a leader in the Movement for Black Lives, on the multiracial fight against white supremacy and, nearly as important, the fight against cynicism.
Give it a listen and let us know: What’s your next move?
Mash-Ups In The News:
How To Feed Crowds In A Protest Or Pandemic? The Sikhs Know
In the last two months, the Sikh Center of New York has served more than 145,000 free meals of basmati rice, dal, sabzis, matar paneer, kheer and more. Nourishing people in need is built into Sikh faith, and now that tradition is helping hospital workers, protestors, and anyone looking for a hot meal.
via NY Times
‘Street Medics’ Fight COVID-19 And Tend To Protesters’ Wounds
With cloth masks, helmets, and makeshift shields, volunteer medics have rushed from the front lines of a pandemic to become first responders caring for people on the streets.
via NPR
These Crispy Kimchi Pancakes Are Unbelievably Fun To Eat
Samin Nosrat has been missing Pyeong Chang Tofu House, the family-run spot in Oakland where she would eat sundubu-jigae, bibimbap, and those golden kimchi pancakes. She’s been missing those kimchi pancakes most of all.
Try Tofu House’s recipe AND check out our personal family favorite kimchi pajun recipe in this kid’s book: No Kimchi For Me!
via NY Times
Pulling Down Statues Of Racists? Africa’s Done It For Years
“This statue reminds me of the suffering our forefathers went through in the hands of colonialists, and whenever we see them, the memories are fresh. We need to get rid of them.
Pulling down statues of colonialists is not enough…We must put forward positive representations of our history, representations that instill pride in our identity.”
via LA Times
Rewriting Country Music’s Racist History
How did country music come to be perceived as the cultural domain of white people? Not by accident, and not without excluding the Black artists who shaped country music from the beginning. Now, artists like Yola and Rhiannon Giddens are blowing up this manufactured myth.
via Rolling Stone
A Diner Turned Drive-In In Queens
Astoria’s Bel Aire Diner has been around since the 1960s, open 24/7 since the 90s and delivering food when only pizza was delivered. They’ve adapted once again by hosting drive-in movies in their parking lot, serving mozzarella sticks and “Pulp Fiction” sliders to Rocky Horror and Grease.
via New Yorker