Mash-Up Round-Up: Dreaming the American Dream

The week of June 20, 2015 was: being relentlessly gay; everything Riley Curry; and wondering what would happen if Koreans and Jews didn’t eat pickles.
Ramadan Mubarak! For some useful Ramadan etiquette, check out this handy list.
Mash-Ups In The News:
The 9 Heartbreaks of the Charleston Shooting
Lost lives, an inability to have a real conversation about race and racism and domestic terrorism, the horrors of gun violence, the pain and numbness of hearing these stories again and again… These are just some of the heartbreaks. And in case you missed Jon Stewart, that’s here too.
via Fusion
If you need more on Rachel Dolezal, you can find worthwhile perspectives here and here and here and here. For our part, all we can think of at this point is the racial draft. Konichiwa, bitches.
via Washington Post
Margaret Cho on Colonics, Rebellion, and Racism
One of our Mash-Up Godmothers, Margaret challenges all stereotypes as a Loud, Queer, Asian Female Comedian. Also, she reminds us thateverybody’s a little bit gay.
via Guernica
“I’m So Proud To Have You As A Daughter”
An interview between a Haitian immigrant father, Mario, who works two jobs as a parking lot attendant, and his 9-year-old daughter, Mabou, who is a prodigy. American Dream, we believe in you even when we are down. Dare you not to cry!
via Storycorps
Edwidge Danticat on the Ethnic Purging of Haitians from The Dominican Republic
500,000 Dominicans of Haitian descent are being kicked out of the country. Many of them have never been to Haiti and their families have been in the DR for 80 years.
via Democracy Now
Jeb Bush Speaks More Spanish than English at Home
Dare we say, we’re … charmed? Oy vey. His accent is excelente.
via ABC News
An exploration from a woman connected to and proud of her Jewishness and also concerned about the narrative she’s being told on her sponsored trips to Israel. As we learned in high school, it’s always important to understand who the narrator is.
via Jezebel
Mark Zuckerberg Donates $5 Million to Send Undocumented Immigrants to College
Speaking of the American Dream, in order to address some of the deep issues in our immigration system, Mark and Priscilla have joined a movement to help Dreamers go to college. Good on them.
via CNN
The Red Cheeseburger Comes to Burger King Japan
Oh hello. Burger King is making red cheese and red patties, flavored and colored with a fermented Szechuan pepper hot sauce. We won’t be standing in line for these.
via Gawker
Uber Comes Out Against the Right to Free Assembly in China
We mean, we love the ease of Uber, but this is NG, guys. NG.
via Fusion
Is “Hispanic” A Race, Ethnicity, or Both?
Over time the U.S. government has classified “Hispanic” as both a race and ethnicity, or neither. Latinos tend to disagree. Two thirds of Latinos consider their race to be Hispanic. Lots of questions raised here about the definitions of either of these categories.
via Pew Research
The Beginning of Ivan Ramen: What It’s Like for a White Guy to Open a Ramen Shop in Japan
First, you make delicious ramen. Second, you get lots of press coverage because it’s a great story. Third, listen to the pros.
via Lucky Peach