Mash-Up Round-Up: The World of Shen Yun

The week of March 23, 2019 was experimentations in food, a la peanut butter, jelly, and mustard; Chicago deep dish in LA; McDonald’s ramen-flavored fries in Hong Kong; and all the wasabi. Oh, and here’s our favorite new instagram.
If you got a 23andMe kit for Christmas, you probably didn’t expect to gain over FIFTY half-siblings. This story is a wild ride, y’all.
via The Atlantic
Air Pollution And A New Dystopian Accessory
Air might become unbreathable in our lifetime, but at least we’ll look good while not breathing it. We’ll take out cues from Asia on this one — if we’re all going to look like comic book villains, apparently we want a variety of face mask styles to choose from.
via Vox
The Uncanny, Unsettling World of Shen Yun
You’ve seen the flyers for this show in the subway and probably the waiting room for your dentist — but have you ever met someone who’s actually seen Shen Yun? Get ready for the hallucinogenic world of organ harvesting dances, cult propaganda, a tsunami with the face of Karl Marx and (somehow) so much more.
via New Yorker
Mindy Kaling Coming-Of-Age Comedy Gets Series Order At Netflix
It’s a comedy is about the complicated life of a modern-day first generation Indian-American teenage girl. Nothing on earth will stop us from watching this show.
via Deadline
US Government Uses Clandestine Shelters To Detain Immigrant Children
“Imagine being a child in a strange country, hundreds or thousands of miles from where you grew up, surrounded by people who may not speak your language. You would be incredibly vulnerable.”
— Sen. Jeff Merkley
via Reveal News
Ta-Nehisi Coates Is An Optimist Now
He’s back to give his thoughts on 2020: the candidates, the case for reparations, and confronting issues of race and white supremacy for more than just poll numbers.
via New York Magazine
Chinese Goths Post Selfies In Protest After Subway Incident
A woman was forced to remove her goth make-up before entering a subway in Guangzhou. In a movement of Goth Girl solidarity, the hashtag #ASelfieForTheGuangzhouMetro took over, and we’re 100% onboard for this subversive (and surprisingly mashy) style.
via BBC
How ‘F’ Sounds Might Break A Fundamental Rule Of Linguistics
Were the f and v sounds part of human language before farming? The new theory claims agriculture and soft foods might be responsible for our favorite labiodental fricative consonants, and show that human language can, or has, changed drastically.
via The Atlantic
The Trap House-Busting Vigilante Of Pine Ridge Reservation
She knows the devastation meth and addiction can bring to a family and community. Julie “Mama Julz” Richards founded Mothers Against Meth Alliance (MAMA), and she’s one of our strongest fighters in our battle against meth. It’s for our children, our neighborhoods, our country, and for the earth.
via Topic