Mash-Up Round-Up: Dynamite + Lagos Ballet

The week of August 22, 2020 was enjoying this nerd roast of the NYT; ditching toxic positivity; and actual auditory disco joy in this pandemic.
In an attempt to replenish our surge capacity, we’re gonna take a lil breather (REMEMBER VACATIONS?!). We’ll be back after Labor Day! We love you!
Mash-Ups In The News:
These Uber Drivers Are Stressed. Archery Soothes Them.
On the archery field, Bhutanese immigrants have found serenity away from the long hours, heavy traffic and masked passengers of the Uber workday. “In this field, it is only the body that suffers. In the city, driving all day, it is the mind.”
via NY Times
How the Chinese-Jamaican Community Influenced The Development Of Classic Reggae
Jamaica is a home of Mash-Ups, and the Chinese-Jamaican community dates back hundreds of years. Listen to 11 songs in chronological order that showcase the “universal language” of music grown from this community.
via Bandcamp
Heading Back To School Around The World
Temperature checks, hand-washing stations, distancing, plastic barriers and masks masks masks. See what “back-to-school” looks like in China, Egypt, Bhutan, Côte d’Ivoire, and other countries around the world.
via Unicef
In Lagos, A Homegrown Ballet Academy Leaps Into the Spotlight
“It’s every teacher’s dream.” A video of eleven year-old Anthony Mmesoma Madu went viral last month, drawing international attention to the students, dance school, and teacher who fostered the passion, joy, and talent of his dancing.
via NY Times
Manholes Get Glowing Anime Makeover In Japan’s Tokorozawa
Cheering up the commuters and preventing crime at night, 27 manhole cover designs lit by LED lights bring Neon Genesis Evangelion and Gundam to the streets of Tokorozawa. Meanwhile, Totoro was brought to life for the luckiest grand-daughters in the world.
via Reuters
‘Why Is This Happening To Us?’: Coronavirus Takes A Toll On Latinos
In California, Latinos account for 59% of COVID-19 infections and 47% of deaths. For these families and communities, the devastation is incomprehensible.
via LA Times
How A Joke Twitter T-Shirt Exposes A Frustration Many Asian Women Share
@whiteguys. Stop telling Asian women about your Asian wife. She’s not a credential, and we’re not impressed.
via VICE
We Asked Black Makeup Artists To Share Their Best Foundation Tips
The formula to find your perfect foundation shade??? The experts give their advice, tips, and tricks for thriving in your best skin.
via Allure
For Election Administrators, Death Threats Have Become Part Of The Job
“It is tedious & exhausting to work your ass off to ensure, in your own, small way, that U.S. citizens can safely vote & exercise their franchise in whatever environment the future holds, only to be undermined daily by lies & disinformation from your own President. Argh.”
Thank you to those working to keep democracy running. Thank you.
via Propublica