Mash-Up Round-Up: John Cho + Cowboy Bebop

The week of April 6, 2019 is parking is a bloodsport in Koreatown; non-Jews having Jewish weddings (why?); and John! Cho! In! Cow! Boy! Be! Bop!
Mash-Ups In The News:
“This Is the Glittering Fringe”: On Drag Inclusivity
“No one should say, ‘This is how you should or shouldn’t look.’” It’s makeup with hairy chests, beards with bare breasts, and all the mashiness of gender standing center stage. Here. For. It.
via Longreads
Fenty Beauty Pulls Controversially Named Product From Shelves
Everyone makes mistakes! Rihanna’s Fenty named a highlighter “Geisha Chic”…oof. The brand revolutionized the beauty industry with their inclusive shade range, but reminder: Inclusivity isn’t just one time gesture. And the great thing is, the company saw their flub and fixed it ASAP. Good on you Fenty!
via Colorlines
Nearly Half Of Men Believe The Pay Gap Is ‘Made Up’
Studies say it’s unconscious bias and sexism. Men say it’s women making it up. Cool.
via Time
Nipsey Hussle’s Eritrean-American Dream
“We’re not just losing an artist; we’re not just losing a visionary—whether people are figuring it out now after his passing or whether they did appreciate him that much before,” Belayneh said when we spoke before the vigil. “We’re losing someone who can basically be related to anyone here.”
– Naomi Demsas, Eritrean Diaspora Network
via The Atlantic
Black Children Commit Suicide At Twice The Rate of White Kids
How do social risk factors create this racial disparity in youth suicides? What can it tell us about the intersection of race, poverty, and psychological health? And most importantly, how do we protect our kids?
via Science News
For An Asian-American Family, The Cost Of Education
Some parents spend $8 million funding new buildings to secure their kid’s education, some parents spend eight years building and selling their house to do the same. Pressure to succeed doesn’t just come from our parents’ spoken demands, but their quiet labor and sacrifice for our future. The result? Debts we feel can never be truly repaid.
via NY Times
Latino Outreach Or Google Translate? 2020 Dems Bungle Spanish Websites
Call us, gente! Presidential hopefuls’ websites have more unchecked Google Translate than a freshman’s first term paper en español. Como se dice, no es tan dificil?
via Politico
Copenhagen Wants To Show How Cities Can Fight Climate Change
Half of humanity lives in cities, and those cities aren’t exactly helping our climate change crisis. The vast share of planet-warming gases come from cities. Copenhagen is leading the charge of green cities, showing that small changes in our daily lives lead to collective, world-changing impacts.
via NY Times
Canadian Film Made In Language Spoken By Just 20 People In The World
Haida is an endangered language on the verge of “extinction,” but they’ve assured the dialect will live on through a film that preserves and revitalizes the language for generations to come.
via The Guardian
Indiana School District Turns Unused Cafeteria Food Into Take-Home Meals For Kids
Instead of shaming kids with cheese sandwiches, this school is putting all its over-prepared food to good use, making individual take-home meals for kids who need it. More of this please!!
via WJLA